Thursday, November 19, 2009

Assignment 5 - Final Survey (Revised)

Teacher Survey: Subject Integration in Elementary and Middle Years Education

1. List your teaching assignments over the last 3 years including subjects and grade levels taught.

If your assignment(s) did not fit the descriptors above, please explain below.

2. Subject integration involves teaching across disciplinary boundaries or teaching content from a variety of subjects in the same unit. In this way, multiple areas of study are taught simultaneously.

In your opinion, what is the position of Saskatchewan Learning on using this approach in elementary and middle years education? Check the most applicable option.

____In favour of
____Opposed to
____I do not know

3. Do you believe that using subject integration is important? Check the most applicable option.

____ Yes 
____ No
____ I am undecided
4. In your opinion, how much encouragement or pressure do you experience to use subject integration in your everyday teaching practices? Circle the most applicable option.

Not at all                                                 Immense
       1             2              3              4               5

5. From where does most of the pressure to integrate come? Use numbers to rank the options below from greatest to least or check the most applicable option.

____ School Board
____ In-school administrators
____ Fellow teachers
____ Parents
____ Students
____ Self
____ I have not experienced any pressure
____ Other (Explain: __________________________________)

6. Would you like to see subject specialization (teaching only one or two subjects based on your area specialization) return to schools? Check the most applicable option.

____ Yes
____ No
____ I am undecided

Explain the reasons for your selection.

7. Subject specialization would limit the degree to which teachers are able to integrate subjects. Circle the most applicable option.

    Strongly Disagree          Neutral              Strongly Agree
              1                   2                  3                 4                 5

8. Subject specialization would make integration across subject areas easier.

    Strongly Disagree           Neutral              Strongly Agree
                1                 2                  3                 4                 5

9. Complete the table below by listing a few advantages and disadvantages of subject integration.



10. Complete the table below by listing a few advantages and disadvantages of specialized teaching.


11. Have you received any training on integrative teaching practices that you can recall? Check the most applicable option.

____ Yes
____ No
____ I do not recall receiving any training in this area.

If you checked “Yes,” please identify the source of your training, i.e. university course(s), workshop, professional development seminar, self-study, etc.
12. Based on your training (including self-study), how prepared do you feel to use subject integration in your classroom? Circle the most applicable option.

      Not at all                                         Perfectly
             1            2            3            4            5

13. Based on your teaching practices within the last week, how often did you integrate subjects in your classroom? Check the most applicable option.

___ Every day
___ 3 to 4 days
___ 1 to 2 days
___ Never

14. Ideally, how often would you like to integrate subjects in any given week?  Check the most applicable option.

___ Every day
___ 3 to 4 days
___ 1 to 2 days
___ Never

15. If your answer in Question 14 is different than your answer in Question 15, please explain what factors or changes would allow you to integrate as much as you would like. If your answers are the same, please go on to question 16.

16. Has the process of completing this survey changed your view of using an integrative curriculum in your classroom?

___ Yes
___ No

If yes, please explain how your view has been affected.


Thank you for completing this survey!

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