Thursday, November 19, 2009

Survey Rationale

Ever since I learned of the concept of integrative curriculum, also known as subject integration, in my undergraduate studies, I have always been somewhat fascinated by it. During my studies there, The University of Saskatchewan was very much in favour of this approach and tried to instil its importance in its students at all costs. Likewise, school boards also seemed excited about this initiative and often claimed the need for subject integration as the main reason for getting away from subject specialization.

Upon graduating and entering into the work field, I noticed a large departure and disconnect from those ideals. Teachers often complained about being over tasked and frustrated by having to teach so many subjects instead of being able to focus on one or two. When I presented them with the argument of subject integration in defence of teaching so many different subjects, I quickly came to realize that many, if not most, of my colleagues had never heard of this concept.

In the academic world, support of the effectiveness of integrative curriculum is overwhelming, however; without teachers jumping on board with this initiative, little impact will be made in our students’ classrooms. The aim of this survey was to provide a means of collecting information about teacher views and attitudes towards subject integration and perhaps to gain some insight into the understanding or the lack thereof that teachers may have of this concept. Having information of this nature would provide a good starting point to developing a program aimed at promoting the use of subject integration in the elementary and middle years education.

Assignment 5 con't - Revising Survey Questions

Analyzing the answers and feedback that were provided by the four teachers who completed the original draft shed light on a fundamental problem with my survey. Question #2 revealed that there was a wide disparity in what teachers believed the term “integrated curriculum” to mean. Their definition, of course, affected most of the remaining answers, making the survey ineffective and futile. Although my original intent behind having teachers provide their own definition of the term was to get a feel for how familiar they were with this concept, the negative repercussions soon outweighed the benefits of this approach.

Having learned from this mistake, my final draft addressed this issue in two ways. First, I replaced the term “integrative curriculum” with a more obvious synonymous choice of “subject integration,” and second, I provided a working definition near the beginning of the survey to help my participants to better focus their answers.

The rest of the changes I instituted were aimed at making the survey more comprehensive, focused, clearer and user-friendly. Consistency in formatting was also something that I considered as I made my revisions. The following is a breakdown of the changes that were made and the line of thinking that spurred them:

- The Title
I changed the title to make it more focused by adding the level of education – elementary and middle years. Since secondary education is so vastly different from that in the elementary and middle years, I did not want teachers to get overwhelmed by trying to consider what subject integration may or may not look like at the high school level. It is also more in line with what Saskatchewan Learning had in mind when they introduced this concept.

- Question 2
Integrative curriculum was changed to subject integration and a definition was provided.
The final version also included a question on the position of Saskatchewan Learning when it comes to subject integration, in order to get a feel of how informed teachers are with Saskatchewan Learning’s initiatives.

- Question 3
An “I am undecided” option was added for individuals who may have mixed feelings on the topic. I found “yes” and “no” options to be overly constraining.
Also, I no longer ask for an explanation since I found the answers to be redundant with the answers in Question 9 where participants are asked to list advantages and disadvantages of subject integration.

- Question 4
Deleted the zero from the rating scale for consistent formatting.

- Question 5
Changed wording for improved clarity.

- Question 6
Added the option, “I am undecided”. Same reasoning as in Question 3.

- Question 7, 8, and 10 (in Revised Survey)
These questions were added to provide some more feedback on teacher views of subject specialization and its believed impacts on subject integration.

- Question 11 (in Revised Survey)
Added the option, “I do not recall receiving any training in this area” in case an individual is not quite sure.
The wording was also changed somewhat for improved clarity.

- Question 12 (in Revised Survey)
Revised the question from “Based on the training you received, how prepared do you feel to use an integrative curriculum in your classroom?” to Based on your training (including self-study), how prepared do you feel to use subject integration in your classroom?
This minor change was made because I noticed that this question did not follow up well with Question 11. Specifically, a couple of my participants had indicated in Question 11 that they received no training on subject integration, but then they went on to indicate that they felt very prepared for using it in their classrooms due to the training they received. After questioning them about this further they informed me that it was because of their own preparation and study and not due to any outside training. I concluded that adding the phrase “including self-study” will eliminate this disconnect between the two consecutive questions.

Questions 13, 14, and 15 (in Revised Survey)
- were developed to gain a better understanding of how much teachers already use subject integration in they classrooms and whether there is any interest to increase that frequency. I felt that Question 10 in the original draft addressing the satisfaction level didn’t effectively target this that information.

Assignment 5 - Final Survey (Revised)

Teacher Survey: Subject Integration in Elementary and Middle Years Education

1. List your teaching assignments over the last 3 years including subjects and grade levels taught.

If your assignment(s) did not fit the descriptors above, please explain below.

2. Subject integration involves teaching across disciplinary boundaries or teaching content from a variety of subjects in the same unit. In this way, multiple areas of study are taught simultaneously.

In your opinion, what is the position of Saskatchewan Learning on using this approach in elementary and middle years education? Check the most applicable option.

____In favour of
____Opposed to
____I do not know

3. Do you believe that using subject integration is important? Check the most applicable option.

____ Yes 
____ No
____ I am undecided
4. In your opinion, how much encouragement or pressure do you experience to use subject integration in your everyday teaching practices? Circle the most applicable option.

Not at all                                                 Immense
       1             2              3              4               5

5. From where does most of the pressure to integrate come? Use numbers to rank the options below from greatest to least or check the most applicable option.

____ School Board
____ In-school administrators
____ Fellow teachers
____ Parents
____ Students
____ Self
____ I have not experienced any pressure
____ Other (Explain: __________________________________)

6. Would you like to see subject specialization (teaching only one or two subjects based on your area specialization) return to schools? Check the most applicable option.

____ Yes
____ No
____ I am undecided

Explain the reasons for your selection.

7. Subject specialization would limit the degree to which teachers are able to integrate subjects. Circle the most applicable option.

    Strongly Disagree          Neutral              Strongly Agree
              1                   2                  3                 4                 5

8. Subject specialization would make integration across subject areas easier.

    Strongly Disagree           Neutral              Strongly Agree
                1                 2                  3                 4                 5

9. Complete the table below by listing a few advantages and disadvantages of subject integration.



10. Complete the table below by listing a few advantages and disadvantages of specialized teaching.


11. Have you received any training on integrative teaching practices that you can recall? Check the most applicable option.

____ Yes
____ No
____ I do not recall receiving any training in this area.

If you checked “Yes,” please identify the source of your training, i.e. university course(s), workshop, professional development seminar, self-study, etc.
12. Based on your training (including self-study), how prepared do you feel to use subject integration in your classroom? Circle the most applicable option.

      Not at all                                         Perfectly
             1            2            3            4            5

13. Based on your teaching practices within the last week, how often did you integrate subjects in your classroom? Check the most applicable option.

___ Every day
___ 3 to 4 days
___ 1 to 2 days
___ Never

14. Ideally, how often would you like to integrate subjects in any given week?  Check the most applicable option.

___ Every day
___ 3 to 4 days
___ 1 to 2 days
___ Never

15. If your answer in Question 14 is different than your answer in Question 15, please explain what factors or changes would allow you to integrate as much as you would like. If your answers are the same, please go on to question 16.

16. Has the process of completing this survey changed your view of using an integrative curriculum in your classroom?

___ Yes
___ No

If yes, please explain how your view has been affected.


Thank you for completing this survey!

Assignment 5 - Survey (1st Draft - Unrevised)

Teacher Survey: Using an Integrative Curriculum in Schools

1. List your teaching assignments over the last 3 years including subjects and grade levels taught.

If your assignment(s) did not fit the descriptors above, please explain below.

2. Describe briefly what the term “integrative curriculum” means to you.

3. Do you believe that using an integrative curriculum is important?

____ Yes
____ No

Explain the reasons for your selections.

4. In your opinion, how much encouragement or pressure do you experience to use integration in your everyday teaching practices? Circle the most applicable option.

Not at all                                                     Immense
       0           1            2            3           4            5

5. Where does most of the pressure to integrate come from? Check the most applicable option or rank the options below by placing numbers beside them. (# 1 meaning the most pressure).

____ School Board
____ In-school administrators
____ Fellow teachers
____ Parents
____ Students
____ Self
____ I don’t feel any pressure.
____ Other (Explain: __________________________________)

6. Would you like to see subject specialization (teaching only one or two subjects based on your area specialization) return to schools?

____ Yes
____ No

Explain the reasons for your selection.

7. Complete the table below by listing a few advantages and disadvantages of integrative curriculum.

8. Have you received any training on integrative teaching practices?

____ Yes
____ No

If you checked “Yes,” please elaborate on your training. (University course(s), workshop, professional development seminar, self-study, etc.)

9. Based on the training you received, how prepared do you feel to use an integrative curriculum in your classroom? Circle the most applicable option.

Not at all                                               Perfectly
        0         1          2          3          4           5

10. How satisfied are you with your integrative practices? Circle the most applicable option.

Not at all                                               Extremely
       0          1          2          3          4            5

11. Has the process of completing this survey changed your view of using an integrative curriculum in your classroom? Please explain.

Thank you for completing this survey!